
“Dr.” Rob Grave’s Bodybuilding Bash

A competitive card game about medical malpractice in a graveyard! This quick paced card game will pit your closets family and friends against each other in a race to build a Frankenstein. In an effort to gain a much needed “paid” position with “Dr.” Grave himself. Grab a shovel, and a bear trap or two, and get to the graveyard. Those body parts do not have 2-day delivery.

Brass Trappings

A 2d Action game about a man that is called to make a stand against evil. When wars, and rumors of wars get too close to home, William Bradley XIV, 15th generation butcher, will not stand idly by. When evil stepped in front of William Bradley, he would not turn away. In doing so he is seen and given 2 divine gifts. The Angel fire cannon, and the mandate to clean his home of this evil. William happily accepts both and begins his long journey as the cleansing fire.

Fist Fight

A fast-paced card game about beating up your friends. Decide who is going to pay for pizza. Who’s better, Waifu A or Waifu B? Fist fight about it! Duke it out with your friends about anything. Have a fight for fun! This fast-paced card game cuts to the quick of an argument and decides a winner faster than a real fight!

Ranger Danger

A hero sandbox game about a man that sacrifices everything for the safety of everyone. His home of Regent City is corrupt to the core, and he is tired of asking questions about who responsible. He knows their names, now it’s time to take the fight to their doorstep. With tools like the Regent Area Crime Obstacle & Orientation Network (RACOON), and an ever-expanding arsenal of arrows, gadgets and armor, he quickly becomes a thorn in the side of every criminal in the city.